Where Are the Yellow Jackets?

The home base for the yellow jackets is their nest, which can be somewhat hard to find. Although they can nest almost anywhere, the most popular spots for the wasps to build their lair is underground, in a dense bush, or in peaks outside of a home. Obviously the easy way to track the insects is to follow them from a food supply back to their nests. The swarm will often follow the exact flight path to and from the nest so a big group of them should be easy to identify.

Do You Have a Yellow Jacket Problem?

The thing about yellow jackets is they rarely venture out on their own, meaning where there’s one there is many and a nest is usually in the vicinity. It’s important to treat this potential problem because yellow jackets are far more aggressive than paper wasps or honey bees and bumblebees. If you have a consistent population of yellow jackets in the area around your house, it could be constituted as a problem. While yellow jackets do eat insects and caterpillars, making them an asset to a garden, if there is a household member with an allergy then they must be removed.

What Damage and Hazards are Caused from Yellow Jackets?

The most hazard that yellow jackets bring is with their sting. They are aggressive and often attack humans and pets even when unprovoked. The yellow jackets also can sting multiple times, which differentiates them from other wasps and bees. Other damage around the home can be caused to fruit as the wasps penetrate the flesh and leave it to rot. Yellow jackets also frequently make their nests in wall voids inside your home, which can eventually lead to the replacement of drywall or drop ceiling as the colony can reach up to 10,000 wasps or more.