Where Are These Flies Coming From?

Effective Solutions for Food and Hospitality Businesses

If you’re in the food and hospitality industry, you know that flies aren’t just a nuisance; they’re a serious business concern. As a leading commercial pest control company providing fly control in New York, we understand the unique challenges you face with fly infestations. That’s why we provide complete fly control services for businesses in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.

If you’re looking for ways to minimize flies in your business, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s dive into the issues flies can create and how we can help you keep your spaces fly-free.

Understanding Your Fly Problem

To diagnose where all your flies are coming from and perhaps, where they’re going. Let’s look at the types of flies in the New York area and the prevalent risks they pose.

Types of Flies Common in New York City

House flies: The most common, buzzing around your food.

Fruit flies: Tiny but troublesome, especially around ripe fruits.

Drain flies: They love damp environments and often lurk in drains.

Health and Safety Risks Posed by Flies

Flies are not just annoying; they’re health hazards. They can transmit diseases and contaminate food, posing a risk to your customers and potentially leading to regulatory compliance issues. In the food and hospitality sector, this is a risk you can’t afford to ignore.

House flies are known to transmit some 65 diseases to humans. Drain flies and fruit flies are vectors for dangerous bacteria. With these flying insects, you can never be sure what risks are hovering over your customers. 

Flies swarm over leftover food packaging.

Why Flies Are Attracted to Food and Hospitality Venues

Flies flock to areas where food is plentiful and breeding conditions are ideal. In the bustling city of New York, flies are an all-too-common issue for restaurants, hotels, bars and theaters. Understanding why these venues are particularly attractive to flies is crucial for effective prevention and control. 

Things That Attract Flies:

  • Abundance of Food Sources: Flies are primarily attracted to food. Venues that handle food regularly, such as restaurants, cafes and bakeries, offer ample feeding opportunities for these pests.
  • Ideal Breeding Conditions: Flies thrive in warm, moist environments. Areas like kitchens, where humidity and temperature are often higher, create perfect breeding grounds.
  • Waste and Garbage: Accumulated trash and waste, especially organic and decomposing materials, are a big draw for flies. Proper waste management is essential.
  • Lingering Odors: Strong odors, particularly from food and waste, can attract flies from a distance. Venues with less rigorous cleaning routines may face more significant problems.
  • Open Access Points: Flies can enter through unscreened windows, doors, vents and other openings. Busy venues with frequent foot traffic often struggle to keep flies out.

Most Common Types of Businesses with Fly Problems

Certain types of businesses tend to experience more issues with flies, primarily due to the nature of their operations. Is yours at risk?

  • Restaurants and Cafes: Constant food preparation, a variety of ingredients and regular waste generation make these places a hotspot for flies.
  • Bakeries: The sweet smells and exposed food products in bakeries are incredibly attractive to flies.
  • Bars and Pubs: Spilled drinks, fruit garnishes and sticky drains are a big draw.
  • Hotels: Especially those with in-house dining facilities, create multiple opportunities for flies, from kitchens to waste disposal areas.
  • Cinemas and Theaters: With a constant flow of people coming and going, plenty of salty/sweet snacks and an abundance of trash, flies find easy entry and plenty to enjoy.
  • Food Markets and Grocery Stores: With a wide array of food, especially fresh produce, these venues can struggle with fly control.
  • Catering Companies: Regular movement of food and equipment can inadvertently transport flies to different locations.
  • Food Trucks: Compact spaces with cooking and serving activities, often parked in urban areas, are prone to fly issues.

By understanding these attraction points, businesses in the food and hospitality industry can take targeted actions to minimize the presence of flies and protect their customers, reputation and compliance with health standards.

A restaurant worker puts a sealed garbage bag into a dumpster.

14 Fly Prevention and Control Strategies

Effective fly prevention and control are crucial for maintaining a clean, healthy and reputable business in New York City’s competitive environment. Here are some targeted strategies that New York businesses can implement:

Enhanced Hygiene and Sanitation Practices

1. Regular Cleaning Schedules: Establish rigorous cleaning routines to ensure all surfaces, especially in food preparation and storage areas, are clean and free from food residues.

2. Effective Waste Management: Implement strict protocols for handling and storing waste. Use sealed containers and ensure regular disposal to prevent attracting flies.

3. Deep Cleaning Services: Regular deep cleaning by professional services can help target hard-to-reach areas that might be breeding grounds for flies.

Structural and Environmental Modifications

4. Seal Entry Points: Ensure windows, doors, and vents are properly sealed. In busy areas like Manhattan, even small gaps can be an entry point for flies.

5. Air Curtains: Install air curtains, especially in areas like the Lower East Side and Brooklyn, where food businesses are densely populated.

6. Proper Ventilation: Ensure adequate ventilation in all areas to reduce moisture and humidity, which attract flies.

Waste Area Management

7. Regular Cleaning of Dumpsters and Garbage Chutes: These areas are prime breeding grounds for flies. Regular cleaning and maintenance are essential.

8. Strategic Placement of Waste Disposal Areas: Position dumpsters and waste bins away from entry points and dining areas, especially in outdoor dining setups popular in areas like Greenwich Village.

Food Storage and Handling

9. Proper Food Storage: Store food in sealed containers and refrigerate perishable items promptly.

10. Manage Overripe Produce: In businesses like grocery stores and markets, manage and dispose of overripe or damaged produce promptly to avoid attracting fruit flies.

Restaurant staff are trained on pest prevention measures.

Staff Training and Awareness

11. Educate Staff: Conduct regular training sessions for staff on hygiene practices, identifying potential fly breeding areas and proper waste management.

12. Regular Inspections: Encourage staff to perform regular inspections and report any signs of fly activity.

Utilize Professional Pest Control Services

13. Regular Professional Inspections and Treatments: Engage with a pest control service for regular inspections and treatments. This is particularly important in high-density areas like Midtown, where fly infestations can spread quickly between businesses.

14. Tailored Solutions: Every business is unique, and a professional service can offer tailored solutions that are most effective for your specific situation and location.

By implementing these strategies, businesses in New York City can significantly reduce the risk of fly infestations, create a more pleasant experience for customers and a safer, healthier environment for everyone.

Specialized Fly Control Services (to make your job easier)

Running your business shouldn’t include “fly swatter” in the job description. Trust Assured Environments to provide effective commercial grade fly control and so that you can focus on serving your customers. 

Customized Solutions for Food and Hospitality Businesses

We tailor our services to your specific needs to ensure effective and non-invasive fly control that suits your business environment without interrupting your daily operations.

Professional Chute and Drain Cleaning Services

Stop future flies from hatching and spreading. Our expert team provides comprehensive chute cleaning and drain cleaning that targets key breeding grounds for flies and prevents future infestations.

Regular Maintenance and Monitoring Programs

We don’t just solve your current fly problem; we prevent future ones with ongoing maintenance and monitoring. Let us be the ones accountable for keeping pests out of your business.

Effective Commercial Fly Control in NY

In the food and hospitality industry, controlling flies is more than a matter of comfort—it’s about safety, compliance, and reputation. With our specialized services, including chute and drain cleaning, you can maintain a fly-free environment that your customers and your staff will appreciate.

Don’t let flies put a damper on your business. Contact Assured Environments and learn more about how we can help.