Drain and Grease Trap Maintenance for New York Restaurants

Health and Food Safety Compliance for Restaurants

In the highly competitive New York restaurant scene, health inspections can make or break your business. Every year, health inspectors visit some 26,000 New York Restaurants. While the majority of these pass with an “A” rating, even a small violation can deter potential customers and impact your reputation. With health grades displayed for all to see, you risk losing the customer base you’ve worked so hard to build.

One often-overlooked area that can affect your health inspection grade is the maintenance of your drains and grease traps. This blog post aims to shed light on why consistent drain and grease trap maintenance is crucial for meeting food safety compliance standards in New York.

Health Code Regulations in New York

Drains and grease traps are essential components of a restaurant’s plumbing system. Drains channel waste water away from the establishment, while grease traps – or grease interceptors – catch fats, oils and greases (FOGs) to prevent them from entering the city’s sewage system. Either of these systems can attract unhealthy pests.

Not only are grease traps useful, they are mandatory in any New York business that produces or disposes of FOGs. Likewise, keeping these systems clean is not just a best practice but also a requirement for adhering to food safety regulations. Restaurants must follow specific guidelines around regular drain and grease trap cleaning as well as proper installation and maintenance of these systems.

The Connection Between Drains and Grease Traps and Pests

Dirty  drains and grease traps can easily become a source of foodborne illnesses or a breeding ground for pests such as flies, fruit flies, cockroaches and rats. Not only are these pests a nuisance, but their presence also significantly increases the risk that your restaurant will fail its health inspection.

One of  the most commonly flagged New York city restaurant violations is: “conditions exist that would attract vermin.” This means that the health department will be looking for any conditions that would attract pests or signs of pest activity. Don’t risk being flagged. Make sure that your restaurant performs the proper maintenance to prevent pest-related food safety violations. 

A cockroach crawls over a restaurant floor drain.
A cockroach crawls over a restaurant floor drain.

Professional Drain and Grease Trap Cleaning Solutions

The most important maintenance steps restaurant owners can do to maintain their drains and grease traps include:

  • Regularly emptying and cleaning the grease trap
  • Using drain covers to catch larger debris
  • Flushing drains with hot water and environmentally-friendly cleaners

While these actions will greatly improve the sanitation in your restaurant, they are  no substitute for regular professional cleaning services.

For New York restaurants, especially those with a history of violations, professional drain and grease trap cleaning services are the most effective way to ensure compliance with food safety standards. Consistent, scheduled maintenance can preemptively address issues and make it easier to pass future health inspections. 

Assured Environments is a New York-based pest control company that specializes in restaurant drain and grease trap cleaning. Our three-step cleaning process ensures that pests don’t turn your commercial kitchen into a breeding ground and that health inspectors don’t find you in violation of local codes.

The Consequences of Failing a Health Inspection in New York

Failing a health inspection can have devastating impacts on a New York restaurant. The repercussions are not only legal but can also severely damage your business’s reputation. Here’s what happens when a restaurant fails its inspection:

Legal Consequences

  • Fines: Fines for health code violations can range from minor penalties to substantial amounts that can strain your budget.
  • Temporary Closure: In severe cases, a restaurant may be temporarily closed until it can correct all violations and pass re-inspection.
  • License Revocation: Repeated failures or extremely serious violations can lead to the permanent revocation of your restaurant’s operating license.

Reputation Damage

  • Public Health Grades: In New York City, the Department of Health issues public grades that are displayed prominently at your establishment.
  • Online Reviews: Customers are likely to share their experiences, especially if they notice your low health grade. This will likely affect your online reputation.
  • Loss of Customer Trust: Regaining customer trust after a failed health inspection can be a lengthy and challenging process.

Financial Impact

  • Loss of Business: A decline in customers can lead to reduced income.
  • Cost of Corrective Actions: Correcting violations often involves making infrastructure changes or investing in professional cleaning services that stretch your budget beyond your regular operational costs.

In light of these consequences, it becomes abundantly clear why preventive measures, such as regular drain and grease trap maintenance, are essential for every New York restaurant aiming for food safety compliance and successful health inspections.

Trusted Drain and Grease Trap Services

Investing in professional cleaning services provides restaurant owners with peace of mind and protects against the costly consequences of a health code violation. Ensure food safety and positive New York restaurant health grades with restaurant pest control services from Assured. Beyond cleaning your restaurant grease trap or drain, we offer trash chute cleaning, rodent control and pest removal for restaurants and businesses across New York City, New Jersey and Connecticut. 

If you’ve faced previous violations or are concerned about the upcoming health inspection, now is the time to invest in professional drain and grease trap cleaning services. Contact Assured Environments today to get started. 

A chef garnishes a dish with olive oil.
A chef garnishes a dish with olive oil.