Bird Control Near Me

Nuisance Birds in NY, NJ & CT

Types of Birds and Basic Bird Pest Control Techniques

Nuisance birds can quickly become problematic for New York area homes and businesses. They are noisy, dirty and carry numerous parasites and diseases. Nesting birds can clog drain spouts or gutters and cause structural damage. To help you identify the types of birds infesting your property and the potential risks they carry, we’ve put together this short guide.

Approaching wild birds and removing nests is hazardous work that is often best left to the professionals. If the basic techniques outlined below fail to reduce your bird problem, call the experts at Assured Environments. We offer a variety of bird control services as well as bird removal for when things get out of hand. Read more here about Assured’s bird management techniques.

A pigeon on a white background.

Signs of Infestation

Bird infestations are usually easy to spot. You’ll usually be able to see them, hear their calls and ruffling, and often notice their nests around your property. Not all birds are considered pests, however, so let us lay out which varieties are typically considered “pest birds” and how they got that descriptor.

A starling bird on a white background.

An urban pest known for “flocking” trees and buildings (“flocking” involves thousands of starlings invading a structure or tree at one time and refusing to leave), starlings carry lice and leave droppings everywhere that can erode paint, wood and other building materials.

A swallow mid-flight.

Because of their destructive nesting habits, swallows are also considered urban pests. In addition to building large mud nests that deface buildings, swallows are also known to carry lice, mites and other blood-sucking parasites.

A turkey vulture on a rock.

Turkey Vultures
Intimidating-looking birds with a large, reddish head and dark-feathered body, turkey vultures will attack and strip tiles, caulking and even gutters off buildings and roofs. Feeding primarily on dead carrion, they will pick open a dead animal, eat what they want and then leave the carcass to attract flies, mosquitoes and disease-carrying bacteria.

A pigeon on a white background.

Since they drop highly acidic feces that eat through building materials wherever they go, pigeons are one of an urban area’s worst pests.

A sparrow on a white background.

Ubiquitous in urban areas and a year around nuisance to food and manufacturing plants, sparrows are hardy little birds that can survive harsh winters and hot, dry summers. They often clog drainage pipes and gutters by building nests in them, which can produce flood damage and sewer back-up.

A crow on a white background.

Not as destructive as others listed, crows are known as more of a noise nuisance and for raiding crops like corn, berries and vegetables.

General Bird Information

Behavior and Diet

Most birds eat seeds nectar, insects and their larvae, aquatic animals, and, in some cases, carrion. They have no teeth and use their sharp beaks to tear small chunks off larger foods in order to swallow bites. New York’s birds tend to be adaptable scavengers. They’ll eat whatever they can find.

Birds spend most of their time foraging for food they can either eat right away or carry back to their nests. Birds tend not to range far from their nests, preferring to scavenge whatever they can from nearby. Many of NY’s birds are (obviously) social and congregate in flocks to mate and seek food.

Reproduction and Life Cycle

Birds mate sexually, often after prolonged courtship rituals. The female bird may lay her fertilized eggs a few days after mating, or she may wait several months. After laying the eggs in a nest, the mother will protect and incubate them with her body. Bird eggs take between 10 days to 3 weeks to hatch.

Birds undergo several stages of development before adulthood:

  • Hatchlings are newly hatched baby birds.
  • Nestlings are baby birds that can’t leave the nest and rely on their parents for food.
  • Fledglings are young birds that have started growing feathers and learning to fly.
  • Once birds can fly, they leave the nest and seek mates.

Bird Control and Bird Deterrents for NY, NJ and CT.

We don’t recommend attempting to remove bird nests on your own. Not only can it be dangerous, but it could also further compromise the structural integrity of your building. When you need bird removal from your house or building contact the pros. Assured Pest Solutions offers a complete range of bird control New York customers can count on.

Give us a call to get started with a free pest inspection!

Bird FAQ

Why do birds sing?

Bird's songs can serve many different purposes. They can attract mates, bond with other birds, claim territories, search for lost chicks, and warn other birds that predators are nearby.

How do birds mate?

Birds often follow relatively elaborate courtship rituals to mate with one another. These courtship rituals can often involve territorial disputes and fighting, or "squabbling" in midair. Birds may be more aggressive or territorial during spring mating season. Both male and female birds have cloaca – a cavity that contains both reproductive and digestive organs. The male bird presses his cloaca against the females for a moment to pass his sperm to her.

What diseases can birds carry?

Birds are a vector for disease. Their feathers, droppings, and nests can all contain potentially dangerous pathogens. Birds are confirmed to carry and transmit human-communicable diseases, including Cryptococcosis, Histoplasmosis, and Psittacosis.

Are birds mammals?

No. Birds are classified as avian and are closer to reptiles than mammals.

Can birds smell?

Some seabirds and scavengers have developed olfactory senses, but most birds don’t have a strong sense of smell. They locate food primarily through sight.

Do birds pee?

No. Birds don’t produce urine and instead excrete uric acid as a white paste through their cloaca. You’ve probably seen this or your windshield.

How long do birds live?

Bird life span can vary greatly. Generally small songbirds only live for 3-6 years but larger birds can live up to 80+ years. Once birds reach adulthood, they don’t show further signs of age like other animals.